Hedgie Gallery

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11-week-old Thyme has his work cut out for him with an adult-size wheel - but he's a hedgie with ambition. And unlike every other hedgie on the planet, Thyme claims he doesn't, uh, "mark his trail" while he runs - "Must be some other hedgie..."

"My work here is done."

Six-month-old Prickles Houston keeps a very serious expression while doing her running. (Well, don't they all?)

An anonymous British refugee hedgie enjoys a little wheel solace at a hedgehog rescue/sanctuary.
Dimsdale Yost (a rare table-top hedgie), "Runs, runs, and then runs some more."

Second-generation wheel-runner Houdini Mattson (son of Thyme) knows the power of wheel running: "...for I am a wheel master like my father before me."

Huey Widman's adopted parents are greatful that his birth mother forgot to tell him about trail marking - and, so far, no matter how long he runs, he's always found his way back. (Must be the matching color scheme...)
One-year-old Figit Tipton runs miles every night and says he would so clean up after his own self, "If only my humans would get me a nice little set of cleaning tools..."

In the time-honored tradition of refugees everywhere, California hedgie Tonka "X" hides out from the jackbooted thugs of the state in his favorite wheel.

"Hedgie" Podzielinski has the uncanny ability to mesmerize her unsuspecting humans for hours merely by working out in her wheel.

And we're still looking for more photos!
[Wodent Wheel Homepage]

And, folks are putting together a [Wodent Wheel Flickr Page].